Why I Love My Job!

Being a casting director is awesome. I enjoy working with producers and directors to bring their vision to life. I pine for that ideal moment when the right actor comes in and we all just nod to each other in mutual agreement. I love discovering new talent, but my favorite thing is when my hard work and research pay off.

Being a casting director rocks!

Being a casting director rocks!

In many cases, I work with young filmmakers with little casting experience. It’s up to me to educate them about the details of the casting process, and often times, give them pointers about working with actors. Auditions are my favorite part of my job, but so much goes into making that audition a reality.

Before I can get into the audition room, there are hours of meetings and preparation. There is a ton of paperwork before and after the audition and then there’s the research. I know some actors think that a casting director just posts a breakdown and then calls people in to audition, but that’s not the case. I’m working every day: I read the trades, watch TV shows, go to movies and film festivals, see plays and musicals, and watch actor reels. All of this information goes into a talent database that I often rely on when casting. If I could tell people one thing about my job, it would be that a casting director is part of your creative team. Don’t hire a casting director just to set up auditions times or just to make offers. Hire a casting director who has the experience, skills, access, and passion to find the best cast for your film.

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